@AssembleDebug has discovered Gmail's app, with version number 2023.08.20.561750975, allows people to select multiple emails at once. The new feature appears as a ‘Select all’ button as soon as you select an email. Once you tap on the ‘Select all’ button, the app selects the first fifty emails. To select more emails, you have to scroll down where the selection ends and tap the ‘Select all’ button once again. At the moment, it’s unclear why Google has capped the selection of emails to just fifty emails with this option.
As soon as you tap the ‘Select all’ button, it gets replaced with the ‘Deselect all’ option, allowing you to deselect all the selected emails at once. Fortunately, there’s no cap when it comes to deselecting emails. No matter how many emails you’ve selected, all of them get deselected once you tap the ‘Deselect all’ option.
Currently, there’s no information about when the option to select/deselect multiple emails at once will arrive in the stable version. However, we hope that Google makes this feature available to the public soon, as it is very useful. It’s also worth mentioning that there’s no news about this feature for the Gmail app for iOS. It looks like, for once, Google is planning on bringing new features to the Gmail app for Android first rather than iOS.