As some of you might know, Samsung Germany's newsroom website jumped the gun earlier this week and prematurely announced the release of One UI 6.0 beta for the Galaxy S23 series when the program wasn't actually live yet. Moments ago, Samsung USA made a similar announcement, and in fact, it's similar enough that history appears to be repeating itself.
Although the beta program is supposed to go live in the USA, South Korea, and Germany at the same, only the USA newsroom portal made the announcement. And as far as we can tell, there's no evidence of the Members app accepting beta applications in the USA, South Korea, or Germany.
And here's a live update: As we're writing this story, the official announcement just got pulled and is now offline. The only thing that remains from the announcement is the screenshot you see in the featured image above. This turn of events confirms that the One UI 6.0 program is not live yet.
Story continues after the video
Don't get too excited about this One UI 6.0 beta announcement. Yet
Unfortunately, Samsung appears to have messed up again. Somehow, the company made yet another accidental false announcement concerning the availability of the One UI 6.0 beta program for the Galaxy S23 series.
Why Samsung messed up again, we don't know. But the takeaway for Galaxy S23 users is that One UI 6.0 is not yet available. We're sure Samsung hasn't done this on purpose, but regardless, it is making things difficult for the media and customers alike. Over the next few hours, you may see many “Breaking” stories incorrectly reporting that One UI 6.0 is rolling out.
To navigate this series of confusing events, just keep in mind that these One UI 6.0 stories popping up as we speak are based on an accidental press release, and in reality, the One UI 6.0 beta program is not live yet. We'll keep you posted as soon as Samsung clarifies the situation.