5 November 2020

Samsung One goes live in the UK as the ultimate business partner toolset

Mihai Matei

Reading time: 2 minutes

samsung one (1)
Samsung UK has launched a new business partner program designed to arm its business retail partners with new tools, training, product information, news, incentives and rewards. Called Samsung One, the program aims to make it easier and faster for Samsung's partners to connect with and provide services to their own customers.

The new Samsung One platform is available now for business partners in the UK and it comprises five key elements: Commercial, Mobile App, B2B Training, Champion Programme, and Incentives. The Commercial dashboard details partner sales data and analysis, whereas the Mobile App is the place where salespeople can access tools as well as real-time insights and information when speaking to potential customers.

The Champion Programme consists of a community where knowledge, advice, and tips can be shared by partners. And through Incentives, Samsung will be rewarding partners who reach certain targets and have the best practices.

Samsung One has four certification levels for salespeople

Samsung One is also designed to certify Samsung's business partners according to how successful they are in reaching their targets. The program includes four certification levels: Registered, Authorized, Advanced, and Elite. According to the company, these tiers have been created to ensure that every business partner receives the bespoke necessary tools to achieve their goals.

In addition, Samsung is offering a series of B2B training modules covering various Samsung technologies and topics such as: Why Samsung for Business, Devices, Ecosystem, Enterprise Edition, Rugged Range, Samsung Knows, and Solutions & Partners. The B2B training material is available on the web and through the Android / iOS mobile app.