Earlier this month, Google and Samsung showcased Project Moohan, an extended reality (XR) headset that is made by Samsung and runs on Google’s Android XR operating system. It marks Google’s (and Samsung’s) entry into the XR market and the product based on the prototype will be a direct rival to the Apple Vision Pro and Meta Quest 3, the only two full-fledged mass-market XR headsets available in the market right now. Well, soon there’s going to be a third rival to Samsung’s upcoming XR headset, and this one will be from Vivo.
Vivo to launch an MR headset in 2025
At an event today, Vivo announced that it will showcase a prototype of a mixed reality (MR) device similar to the Apple Vision Pro in September and launch the product by the end of next year. Vivo claims that its upcoming MR headset will surpass the Apple Vision Pro in some aspects but that won’t be surprising as the one from Apple will be almost two years old by the time Vivo launches the product. But it is good to see brands already setting the bar high. Reportedly, the company has over 500 people working on the upcoming MR headset.
Chinese brands are known for offering products at affordable prices. If Vivo offers what Apple is offering at a much lower price tag, XR headsets could go from being a niche product to being widely used.
While Apple Vision Pro and Meta Quest 3 will be rivals to Vivo’s MR headset, a more direct rival will be Samsung’s XR headset. So far, we learned that it will support Google’s Find My Device, have three-button navigation, and come with Home Space and Full Space. Hopefully, we will get to know more about Project Moohan when Google and Samsung showcase the product at CES 2025, which will kick off on 7 January 2025. Follow our channel on Telegram or WhatsApp to be the first to know about everything about it.