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Samsung Galaxy Tab Active Pro (LTE) (SM-T545) - NEE - T545XXS4CWJ1_B2BF firmware
Product Code | NEE |
Security Patch | 2023-10-01 |
Country | Nordic countries (NEE)- Australia (XSA)
- Australia (Telstra) (TEL)
- Baltic (SEB)
- Bulgaria (BGL)
- Caucasus Countries (CAU)
- Chile (CHO)
- Colombia (COO)
- Czech Republic (XEZ)
- Egypt (EGY)
- France (XEF)
- Germany (DBT)
- Greece (EUR)
- Guatemala (GTO)
- Hungary (XEH)
- Israel (ILO)
- Italy (ITV)
- Luxembourg (LUX)
- Malaysia (XME)
- Mexico (MXO)
- Mexico (Telcel) (TCE)
- Morocco (MWD) (MWD)
- Netherlands (PHN)
- New Zealand (XNZ)
- Nordic countries (NEE)
- Open Austria (ATO)
- Panama (TPA)
- Poland (XEO)
- Portugal (TPH) (TPH)
- Romania (ROM)
- Russia (SER)
- Saudi Arabia (KSA)
- Singapore (XSP)
- Slovakia (XSK)
- Slovenia (SIO)
- South Africa (XFA)
- South East Europe (SEE)
- Spain (PHE)
- Switzerland (AUT)
- Thailand (THL)
- Trinidad and Tobago (EON)
- United Arab Emirates (XSG)
- United Kingdom (BTU)
Model | SM-T545 |
Product Code | NEE |
Security Patch | 2023-10-01 |
OS Version | Android 11 |
Build Date | 2023-10-16 |
Changelist | 23809241 |
Country | Nordic countries (NEE)- Australia (XSA)
- Australia (Telstra) (TEL)
- Baltic (SEB)
- Bulgaria (BGL)
- Caucasus Countries (CAU)
- Chile (CHO)
- Colombia (COO)
- Czech Republic (XEZ)
- Egypt (EGY)
- France (XEF)
- Germany (DBT)
- Greece (EUR)
- Guatemala (GTO)
- Hungary (XEH)
- Israel (ILO)
- Italy (ITV)
- Luxembourg (LUX)
- Malaysia (XME)
- Mexico (MXO)
- Mexico (Telcel) (TCE)
- Morocco (MWD) (MWD)
- Netherlands (PHN)
- New Zealand (XNZ)
- Nordic countries (NEE)
- Open Austria (ATO)
- Panama (TPA)
- Poland (XEO)
- Portugal (TPH) (TPH)
- Romania (ROM)
- Russia (SER)
- Saudi Arabia (KSA)
- Singapore (XSP)
- Slovakia (XSK)
- Slovenia (SIO)
- South Africa (XFA)
- South East Europe (SEE)
- Spain (PHE)
- Switzerland (AUT)
- Thailand (THL)
- Trinidad and Tobago (EON)
- United Arab Emirates (XSG)
- United Kingdom (BTU)
Model | SM-T545 |
OS Version | Android 11 |
Build Date | 2023-10-16 |
Changelist | 23809241 |