Recently LG fixed an issue with its Android Wear smartwatch that irked a lot of users. Some of them had complained about skin irritation caused by corroding charging pins on the G Watch. LG fixed the issue by pushing out a few tweaks with the Android Wear build KMV78Y update. While there haven't been any reports of charging pins being corroded on the Gear Live, and no users have complained about skin irritation, the same update has now been released for Samsung's Android Wear smartwatch.
Basically what the update does is turn off the current to the charging pins when the device is not being charged. This way when it encounters body sweat that doesn't cause a chemical reaction which results in corrosion of the charging pins. If there's no corrosion users are likely not going to complain about skin irritation.
The update has already been released even though a detailed changelog was not provided previously. It is possible that this may just be a pre-emptive measure, better to be safe now than sorry later.