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Last updated: April 2nd, 2020 at 14:10 UTC+02:00

This article is written in partnership with bestvpnrating.com

Modern life has shifted to the online and Internet dimension. Everything can be done without the need to leave the comfort of one’s home. Would you like to travel? No problem, with web cameras placed in almost every corner of the world and online museums, it is possible to admire marvels of the planet from a couch.

Even though there can be some geographic restrictions on certain resources, for instance, on Netflix, one may just google how to watch Netflix with VPN and find a suitable service that will help find the solution to remove this restriction.

There is no need to list the benefits provided by the present-day level of technological development. The world is fast and connected, however, there are some pitfalls and even dangers behind this. Let’s get closer to the matter and find out how to protect ourselves.

The Dangers of the Internet-connected World

With the advent of technology, humanity has started using the prefix (or adjective) cyber- with plenty of words: cyber currency, cyber sports, cyber technologies, and more. Cybercriminals and cyber attacks are on the list as well. It means that unlimited possibilities provided by technological innovations are restricted by those who are trying to make money in the new dimension of human activities.

1.   Internet Service Providers Have Access to All the Activities

Everything a person does on the Internet is recorded on servers of providers. Once you open a browser and go online, everything you are doing can become known to the third party. This, undoubtedly, depends on how decent the ISP representatives are. Some of them can commit illegal activities themselves, for example, get the list of compromising sites a person has used and start blackmailing. Some may simply sell these data to someone who will use it in the future.

In the worst case, someone is planning to rob a house. For this, they may collect all the information on owners to be aware of the lifestyle and schedules. Once criminals are sure when hosts will be away, they can break in and steal everything they can take.

You may believe it or not, however, the traces people daily leave on the web may tell a lot to a person who gets access to this information. Besides, if there are smart devices connected to the Internet, intruders may get much more information. Does your coffee machine start automatically every morning while your alarm clock is waking you up? Collection of logs, information from smart gadgets, and the history of visited sites are not only about revealing that someone has watched adult content.

2.   Possible Interception of Sensitive Data

As people are making purchases on the web daily, the information on their bank cards is transmitted from them to the relevant service. Have you ever wondered how quickly your money will disappear from the bank card if this information is stolen in the process of transfer? These are so-called Man-in-the-Middle attacks. An intruder gets access to the connection between a user and a resource and intercepts data that is being sent.

How many times have you sent emails with scans of your documents to the bank or an insurance company? In the same manner, these emails and attachments can be intercepted by people with malicious intentions.

3.   The Internet Is Not Free in Every Country

You are aware of the geographical restrictions of Netflix or the prohibition of YouTube in China. However, this is not just about having no free access to a certain resource in a particular country. Of course, in the countries where no one is talking about censorship, one may find the list of VPNs to use in Canada or the USA, make a choice, and remove any possible geographical restrictions.

However, it is vital to remember that in, for instance, Middle Eastern countries, the use of censored services and resources can be strictly punished even if you are a foreigner. In the United Arab Emirates, even tourists at the territories of hotels are not allowed to use restricted services. Moreover, the utilization of the software that helps eliminate these restrictions is fined for more than a hundred thousand USD with the possibility to be sentenced and imprisoned.

4.   Viruses and Malware

There are plenty of hackers who utilize specially developed software to make money on this. The range of such programs is unimaginable. Some can get access to banking operations and applications and transfer money to the accounts of hackers. However, these are the most complicated types of software.

Other programs simply encrypt everything one has got on the hard drive. To decrypt the information on the PC, a user should have a special key. To obtain it, it is necessary to pay money to a cyber-criminal. Some software will just destroy everything on the hard drive completely. Probably, these programs have been developed to get rid of databases and other information that can be a threat to criminals.

Such software has got algorithms that send emails or messages to people on the list of contacts so that as many users as possible follow a link or download an attachment and get their PC infected.

5.   Always-online Mobile Devices Are in Danger

You are used that your cell phone is constantly connected to the Internet. At home, using your WLAN network is safe. However, going out with a WLAN switched on can be dangerous. It can work as the channel to get access to data on your mobile device that contains not less vital information than a PC. You are probably using a banking app, as well as check your email on the mobile device. Well, email account data and bank passwords suffice to harm you.

All the applications may track your activities and movements. They claim that these data will never be revealed to anyone. Though what if an intruder breaks the system of protection and gets access? Besides, one may also try to install a tracking app that will let a criminal know your location in real-time.

Above, we have listed the most dangerous situations. Of course, it does not mean that every person using the Internet is imposed at the same level of danger. One should understand that, unfortunately, there are threats in the digital world and take measures to avoid getting in trouble.

Ways to protect yourself on the Internet

Every time you are online, remember that this cannot be safe. Thus, before the next time you connect to the Net, make sure that at least some below measures have been taken.

  1. Find a reliable VPN and install it on every device connected to the Internet. Make sure that this service encrypts all the data from your gadgets. The best way is to protect the PC, mobile devices, smart TV, and the router that provides access to the Internet to all the other devices.
  2. Restrain from sending confidential information as a usual attachment to an email. If there is no possibility to bring documents in person, create an encrypted archive and let the other person know the key by an alternative means of communication. The latter should also have encryption algorithms.
  3. Always switch your WLAN off whenever you go out of your home. If there is an urgent need to connect to a public hotspot, which is highly unrecommended though, be sure that a VPN is on.
  4. Install trustworthy antivirus software on your PC, laptop, and mobile devices. It is crucial to regularly update it and check if it functions properly.
  5. Regularly change passwords. Besides, forget about setting the same password to all the accounts and profiles you use. This is the most dangerous approach. Keeping these passwords in the notes or documents on the cell phone is also dangerous. There are various tools that may help you with the generation of reliable passwords.
  6. Never open attachments or click on links if there is even a shadow of a doubt or if you have not expected any information from a sender. Call this person and ask if he/she has sent anything to you. If not, you should report on this email or message. Probably, contact the support team and inform that messages with such content are spread over this service. This will help to reveal who these criminals are.

If you have noticed anything suspicious, it is better to start by informing your bank about this and blocking all the transfers from your bank accounts. Then, inform your relatives and friends so that they do not become the next victims. It is also recommended to report to the police. Cybercrimes have appeared recently, while the development of cyber means to cheat people is faster than the development of preventive and protective measures. Be careful online and follow our recommendations to avoid getting in trouble.

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