Samsung doesn't usually announce fixed release dates for upcoming firmware updates. However, on March 18, the company felt confident enough to reveal a precise rollout schedule for One UI 7 in more than a dozen markets. Today, Samsung no longer seems as sure of itself as it was a couple of days ago.
As we reported yesterday, Samsung initially announced through more than a dozen Newsroom portals that the stable One UI 7 update will go live for a handful of Galaxy flagships on April 7, April 10, and April 14, depending on the market.
Although most of those original Samsung Newsroom announcements remain intact, the company just gave us one reason to worry. Today, Samsung has quietly removed its One UI 7 release date post from the USA Newsroom portal, hinting at a possible delay. Very odd.
While the original release date post on the US Newsroom portal appears to be gone, a One UI 7 banner in the carousel at the top of the page remains. However, clicking this One UI 7 banner redirects the user to the Newsroom homepage rather than revealing the original announcement from March 18.
Samsung uses a different tone for a new One UI 7 release post
Today, in parallel with retracting the original post from the US Newsroom portal, Samsung issued a new One UI 7 release announcement through its Australia Newsroom portal (and possibly others). However, this time, the post has a different tone.
Instead of announcing an exact date, Samsung's new One UI 7 article says the official rollout “will start from April.” Furthermore, the footer states that “Availability may vary by market.”
The big question now is whether or not these events confirm that Samsung is no longer confident in the April 7 One UI 7 release date for some markets. We wouldn't call it a hard confirmation, but it is odd and a bit worrying.
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We stated before that Samsung doesn't usually announce release dates for upcoming firmware updates, and for good reasons. Unexpected setbacks and delays can occur, and it's never a good idea to disappoint fans.
In other words, the fact that Samsung announced an exact date in the first place, on March 18, was odd enough. Now, these recent events concerning the US and Australia Newsroom portals only add to the peculiarity of how Samsung handled its One UI 7 announcements.
Only time will tell whether Samsung will release One UI 7 on April 7 in some markets or if the update will suffer from another delay. As of this writing, the one thing Samsung seems to be somewhat sure of is that One UI 7 will go live sometime in April. However, in light of these new events, the exact day might be subject to change.
There's also the possibility that an error occurred on Samsung's US Newsroom portal, leading to the post's retraction. Another is that Samsung simply wants to play it safe but might still pull off an April 7 release for One UI 7 in most markets, including the USA.
We'll have to wait and see how it all pans out. We will keep you up to speed as soon as we find out more.