Samsung finally unveiled its 2021 flagship Galaxy S series yesterday. The company has three new models on offer once again – the Galaxy S21, Galaxy S21+ and the Galaxy S21 Ultra. Customers are definitely spoiled for choice as Samsung is catering to all manner of flagship phone buyers.
After having seen the launch yesterday and reading our Galaxy S21/S21+ and Galaxy S21 Ultra hands-on, we're curious, have you pre-ordered the Galaxy S21 yet? If you liked what you saw, you probably wouldn't waste much time in getting an order in. That would ensure you received the device on January 29 when it goes on sale.
Vote below and let us know which Galaxy S21 unit you have decided to pre-order. Samsung has cut the prices a bit this time around to make them more attainable. Has that been a major reason why you decided to get one? We'd love to hear from you, so leave a comment down below.
SamsungGalaxy S21
SamsungGalaxy S21+
SamsungGalaxy S21 Ultra