Earlier this week, Samsung released the stable Android 13 (One UI 5.0) update to the Galaxy S22 in Europe and parts of Asia. And the stable update was released after months of testing and releasing five beta versions of the software. For China, though, the company doesn't seem to be happy with the current state of things.
Samsung has released the sixth One UI 5.0 beta update to the Galaxy S22, Galaxy S22+, and Galaxy S22 Ultra. The new update comes with the August 2022 security patch and the firmware version ending ZVJC. The new software fixes issues related to system UI and app crashes. It also fixes the issue that forced close the software while cropping screenshots.
Some users faced an issue where the Chinese language wasn't present in the permissions request description. Some other problems of the One UI 5.0 Beta 5 included blurring parts of the wallpaper while using gesture navigation and abnormal display of icons on the phone's home screen.
The new update has a download size of around 341.53MB for the Galaxy S22 Ultra. The file size should be in the same ballpark for the Galaxy S22 and the Galaxy S22+. The stable update could be released to the Chinese versions of the phones within the next couple of months.
SamsungGalaxy S22
SamsungGalaxy S22+
SamsungGalaxy S22 Ultra