The president and head of the home appliance business at Samsung Electronics has announced his resignation. The company revealed today that Lee Jae-seung has decided to resign from the leading position for personal reasons.
Lee Jae-seung will take on the advisory role for the home appliance business at Samsung Electronics moving forward, while his leading position will be taken over by Han Jong-hee, vice chairman and co-CEO at Samsung. (via Yonhap)
This year, Samsung has seen sluggish sales in the home appliance segment due to external factors, including the declining global economy and consumer purchasing power. Nevertheless, according to the Korean media, Lee Jae-seung decided to resign for personal reasons, and his departure doesn't seem to be related to the company's performance in the home appliance sector.
Lee Jae-seung has served Samsung Electronics for almost four decades
The now-advisor to Samsung's home appliance business has served the company since 1986. He was behind many success stories that Samsung enjoyed over the past few decades. He also led the charge for the now-iconic Bespoke segment.
Lee Jae-seung became the president of the Samsung home appliance division in December 2020, after the pandemic started, which probably means he may have had a lot on his shoulders given the economic uncertainties that followed.