A couple of months ago, Mediatek launched its current flagship processor for mobile devices, the Dimensity 9400. Right after the launch, the first leak about the brand’s next flagship chipset, the Dimensity 9500, came in, claiming that it will be made using TSMC’s 2nm fabrication process. Well, today we have another leak that reveals some interesting information about the upcoming SoC.
According to a popular tipster from China, Digital Chat Station, the Mediatek Dimensity 9500 will feature two Cortex-X930 prime cores and six Cortex-A730 high-performance cores with a clock speed of over 4GHz and Scalable Matrix Extension (SME).
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The tipster claims that it will be made using TSMC’s N3P technology rather than the brand’s 2nm fabrication process as the previous leak claimed. While N3P might not be as power-efficient as the 2nm, process, it is still better than 9400’s N3E process.
At the moment, there's no information about why Mediatek isn't using TSMC's 2nm process but we suspect that's because Apple might have already booked TSMC's full 2nm production capacity for the Apple A19 processor for the iPhone 17 series.
Exynos 2600's 2nm process could give it an edge over Dimensity 2600
Considering that Mediatek launched the Dimensity 9400 in October this year, we expect the company to launch the Dimensity 9500 around the same month next year (October 2025). That’s around the same time Samsung might announce the Exynos 2600 SoC.
The Exynos 2600 is expected to be made on Samsung Foundry's 2nm fabrication process. That will give it an edge over the Dimensity 9500 in terms of performance and efficiency, helping the Galaxy Z Fold 7, Z Flip 7, and the S26 series, which could be the first set of phones to use the SoC, beat their competitors. However, specs on paper tell only half the story. So, we'll have to wait till their benchmarks arrive.