A couple of months ago, Vivo launched its current set of flagship smartphones, the Vivo X200 series. The most premium device in the lineup, the X200 Pro, has three cameras at the rear. Among those, the ultra-wide and telephoto cameras use Samsung’s sensors, the 50MP ISOCELL JN1 and the 200MP ISOCELL HP9 respectively. Soon, the company is going to launch a more premium device in the series, the X200 Ultra, and a new leak suggests that its rear camera setup might also use two Samsung sensors.
According to Digital Chat Station, a popular tipster from China, the Vivo X200 Ultra will feature a triple-camera setup at the rear with two 50MP cameras and a 200MP camera. We assume that one 50MP camera has a wide lens, the other 50MP camera has an ultra-wide lens, and the 200MP camera has a periscope lens. Considering the other devices in the lineup, it is likely that the ultra-wide camera uses Samsung’s ISOCELL JN1 sensor and the periscope camera uses Samsung’s ISOCELL HP9 sensor.
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Over the past couple of years, many brands have adopted Samsung’s cameras for their flagship phones. They might have done so because the ISOCELL sensors either perform better, cost less, or both. Either way, Samsung's position is solidifying in the market. Looking at the current pace, the day isn’t too far when the South Korean tech giant becomes the major player in the smartphone camera sensor industry. The tipster also claims that X200 Ultra will be able to record at 4K resolution with up to 120fps.