WhatsApp has introduced new features and improved video call quality. This move came just in time for the holidays when people are likely to connect with distant family members and friends over video calls. So, what are those new features? Let's find out.
WhatsApp gets new features and better video call quality across devices
In its blog post, Meta announced new features and improved video call quality for WhatsApp. The first feature is the ability to select call participants in a group before initiating a group call. This makes it easier if someone in the group is not ready to participate in an audio or video call.
Video calls are getting ten new effects to make your calls even more fun. Some of the effects include puppy ears, underwater, and a virtual microphone for karaoke. This is especially useful during the holidays when you are likely to connect with kids in the family.
On the desktop, when you click on the Video Calls tab, you will see all the options that help you make a video call. These options include Start Call, New Call Link, and Call A Number.
Meta also announced that it has improved video call quality across all the platforms. So, whether you're calling from a Galaxy smartphone or a Galaxy Book computer, video call quality should now appear improved.
In other news, Samsung recently released One UI 7.0 beta update to the Galaxy S24 series in select countries, and you can check out all the new features in our video below.