21 October 2020

[Poll Results!] Would you prefer a flat screen on your next Galaxy flagship?

Dominik Bosnjak

Reading time: 3 minutes

galaxy note 10+ (edge display)
It's been over six years since Samsung's engineering awed the world by bending a modern capacitive touchscreen, which looked pretty cool next to a bunch of boring old flat screens. And yet flat screens ended up being much more timeless than their arching counterparts. Ever since that seminal Galaxy Note Edge, Samsung has essentially been reverting on that design direction. That anti-trend has actually been so consistent that it's pretty amazing curved displays are still so well-represented at the very top of Samsung's smartphone portfolio every single year.

Still, with the Edge display literally getting shallower on an annual basis, Samsung may just opt to cut it altogether as early as 2021. The recently introduced Galaxy Note 20 range is already halfway there, seeing how only the more expensive, Ultra-branded model features a Dynamic AMOLED panel curving around its longer edges.

Flat or not, 2021 Galaxy flagships won't change the fact Edge displays peaked years ago

Likewise, even the Galaxy S20 family ended up expanding to a flat-display device with the newly launched Galaxy S20 Fan Edition. And it's not like Samsung decided to waste a bunch of cash on mass-producing a fourth iteration of the same series. On the contrary, it would not have done anything such if even just one of those first three devices achieved meaningful success, i.e. had any sales traction left after the first few weeks on the market.

So, would you get behind that decision? Would you like us to send off the Edge display to retirement next year? Or are you among the rare few that still like this (relatively) unique selling point of Samsung's top-end flagships? At least from a standpoint of aesthetics, seeing how the swipe-edge-for-shortcuts gesture is nowadays offered by every somewhat respectable manufacturer and LG? Perhaps you just like the plurality of device choices Samsung offers, even though you prefer your smartphones flat?

Let us know where you stand in today's poll and do join the discussion in the comments as we try to figure out whether the Galaxy Note 20 and Galaxy S20 FE were the thin edge of the wedge, hinting at Samsung's curved-edged displays fraying at the edges a bit too much, and falling over the edge of relevance… ok, I'll shut up.

Results: Looks like the vast majority of fans prefer flat displays with 41% of respondents voting in favor. 33% said they'd stick with curved displays while 22% said they'd only ever buy the top-of-the-line model which is always likely to get the curved display anyway.

Would you prefer a flat screen on your next Galaxy flagship?
  • Prefer? I DEMAND IT! 41%, 692 votes
    692 votes 41%
    692 votes - 41% of all votes
  • No 33%, 549 votes
    549 votes 33%
    549 votes - 33% of all votes
  • Yes, but I'd still buy the best model even with a curved screen 22%, 375 votes
    375 votes 22%
    375 votes - 22% of all votes
  • Like the people in charge of Bixby, I just don't care. 4%, 62 votes
    62 votes 4%
    62 votes - 4% of all votes
Total Votes: 1678
29 September 2020 - 21 October 2020
Voting is closed